Ma always said that I should smile. She always said that my smile was the best thing about me.... but that was ma.. she would always say I was special... Moms always do.
The next I remember is when I first had a bunch of people visit from Canada, we were doing the classic California tour- Yosemite, Big Sur, Highway 1, Carmel by the Sea, etc, one of them (on the way back from Napa Valley) - when she was sober, told me that she had never come across anyone who smiled so easily and so often.
That was years ago....
The best compliment I got though was from a 10yr old. I was getting in to the car and he was up in a tree, dangling down.
He looked at me and asked "Are you going to the church or something?"
Me, not being a church going or for that matter temple or mosque going person ever, laughed and asked, "Do I look like a church going person to ya?"
He took a minute and said, "Well, actually yes. You look like one of those people in church who have... you know.. seen Him…. when you smile."
What more can anyone ever hope for? And what surprised me was hoe this 10yr old viewed the world and the people around him.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any church, mosque, temple. If I ever end up going to any such place, I always have utmost respect and am always flooded with this awesome feeling of being close to the creator, the higher power above- whoever he or she may be. I have never gone to such a place coz I wanted to, I've always been kind of drawn in to it by other people .. lol.. hey thought it was fitting to tell you as a disclaimer. The fact is, I believe in everything- I believe there is a higher power and I don't mind what name anyone gives Him or Her. I feel most humbled when I find myself in such a setting.. and I always come out feeling peaceful and touched to my core, flooded with a very different kind of emotion- tears, joy, happy and uplifted every single time- no matter what the place of worship. And yes, the setting- the aura that the place naturally has, has a lot to do with it.
Hmmm... yes there are places and people I absolutely get bad vibes from.. and I try my best to avoid going back to them… ever..
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